====== How to install a TinyCore Linux System for QemuNet? ======
TinyCore (http://tinycorelinux.net) is a unique and minimalist distribution of the Linux operating system and tools. It is very small, just 10MB for the Core base system!
# download iso
wget http://tinycorelinux.net/7.x/x86/release/Core-current.iso
# create a disk image for your VM (100M)
qemu-img create core.img 100M
# boot system from cdrom
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -hda core.img -cdrom Core-current.iso -boot d -m 256
Once the Core system is loaded from cdrom, you can follow this [[http://brezular.com/2013/10/03/linux-core-5-x-installation-on-qemu-image-using-installation-script | tutorial]] to install the system on the disk image //core.img//. In brief, download install script and launch it...
tce-load -wi tc-install
sudo /usr/local/bin/tc-install.sh
Then, follow instructions and select:
* install from CDROM
* frugal hard drive installation
* on the whole disk (sda)
* install boot loader (yes)
* formatting in ext4
Now you can halt the system and restart it from the disk image:
# boot system from disk
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -hda core.img -m 256
# install azerty/fr keyboard
tce-load -wi kmaps
sudo loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/azerty/fr-latin9.kmap
# install text editor (nano)
tce-load -wi nano
To set azerty/fr keyboard permanently, edit /mnt/sda1/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf and set "kmap=azerty/fr-latin9" option on the APPEND line. Don't work???